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Check our latest scientific communications to stay up to date.

To Read

Pro plan Vet diet
Efficacy of Medium Chain Triglycerides on Idiopathic Epilepsy in Dogs - Molina 2020
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Evaluation of Two Practical Tools to Assess Cognitive Impairment in Aged Dogs - Le Brech 2022
Pro plan Vet diet
The Nutrition that Supports Brain Function. NeuroCare Brochure
Pro plan
PRO PLAN® FortiFlora® Brochure

To Watch

Pro plan Vet diet
Experience with Purina® Pro Plan® NEUROCARE™
Prof. Holger A. Volk
Pro plan Vet diet
From Learning Impairment to Epilepsy (Behaviourists & Neurologists)
Dr. Xavier Manteca
Pro plan Vet diet
New Insights Into Canine Epilepsy Management
Prof. Holger A. Volk
Pro plan Vet diet
Oxidative Stress and the Microbiota Gut-brain Axis
Prof. Anna Maria Eleuteri

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